Reflection for the readings: Thursday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time


The readings for this day focus on the importance of humility and simplicity. In the first reading, from the first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul warns against the dangers of pride. He says that those who think they are wise are actually foolish, and that those who think they know everything are actually ignorant. He reminds us that all knowledge comes from God, and that we should be humble and open to learning from others.

The Gospel reading, from Luke, tells the story of Jesus calling the fishermen to be his disciples. When Jesus saw Simon Peter and his partners fishing, he asked them to put out into the deep water and lower their nets for a catch. They had been fishing all night and had caught nothing, but at Jesus' command, they caught a great number of fish. This miracle showed Peter and his partners that Jesus had the power to change their lives, and they immediately left everything to follow him.

These readings teach us that we should be humble and open to the wisdom of God. We should not think that we know everything, but should be willing to learn from others. We should also be willing to follow Jesus, even if it means leaving everything behind.

Here are some specific questions to reflect on:

  • How can I be more humble and open to the wisdom of God?
  • What am I holding onto that is keeping me from following Jesus?
  • What am I willing to give up in order to follow Jesus?